Capture Incident Data
Prioritize employees who capture incident data and alert the right people at the right time
The ability to capture and report incident data are critical parts of the business process. Whether it is a Service Quality (SQ), Health, Safety and Environment (HSE), or Behavioral Based Safety (BBS) related incident, it is important to get incident information to management. If the management team is unaware of events happening on the job, corrections cannot be made. To get the most information possible, incident reporting needs to be easy and consistent. Until recently, most companies were using a printed form or a digital version built in a spreadsheet or word processor. Unfortunately, these forms require more work to log and suffer from the lack of intuitive workflows. With the development of cloud-based software and mobile devices, companies are turning to Wellsite Report for better solutions.
We can help establish or improve your quality and safety programs with our real-time incident reporting and incident management workflow.
Our real-time notification system immediately alerts relevant parties via email that an incident has happened, keeping everyone on the same page, at all times.